The Eclectus Parrot is a large parrot with marked sexual dimorphism (the male and female are different). The male is emerald green, with bend of wing blue, primaries deep blue, underwing coverts and sides of belly rich scarlet. It has a short square tail with central tail feathers green tipped with blue; outer tail feathers are blue tipped with white. The underside of the tail is dusky tipped yellow. The eye is orange. The upper mandible of its bill is coral pink, but the lower mandible is black. Feet and toes are mid grey. The female's plumage is vivid red, darker and duller on back and wings. It has a blue collar across the mantle and the bend of the wing and underwing coverts are bright blue, with a broad violet-blue band across the belly. The tail is red tipped with orange. Around the pale yellow eye is a blue ring. The bill is black. The feet and toes are the same as for the male. In flight for both sexes the blue-wing linings and orange tail are conspicuous. Immatures resemble adults. In both sexes the bill is dark brown-grey becoming dusky yellow towards tip. The Eclectus Parrot is also called the Red-sided Parrot and Rocky River Parrot.