The White-winged Triller is a small, compact bird with a short slender bill, long wings and a rather long tail with a rounded tip. In breeding plumage, the male and female are quite different. The breeding male is black above, on the head and body and wing coverts, and white below, on the lower face, body and under-wings. There is a wide white shoulder bar. Non-breeding males are brown with light underparts and a faint pale brow and dark line through the eye. The female is similar, though the male has a greyer rump. All birds have a netted pattern on the wings - black and white on the breeding male and dark brown to light brown in the eclipse plumage (non-breeding) male and the female. This triller is also known as the Jardine Triller, White-shouldered Triller or even the Caterpillar-eater.