Again these were at Borumba Deer Park in Imbul, Qld.
The first 4 are of the same bird which I think is either a Large-Billed Scrub Wren or Large Billed Gerygone. Leaning towards Gerygone.
The last one I think is a Brown Cuckoo Dove because of the long tail feathers.
Can anyone confirm.
bird #1 - young Brown Gerygone; white eye-ring starting, red-brown eyes, out of range for Large-billed Gerygone
bird#2 - Brown Cuckoo-Dove; as you stated
Thanks Heaps Peter.
You really know your birds.
I disagree on bird #1, it's a Large-billed Scrubwren. Brown Gerygone have dark lores which help create a more prominent white eyebrow, they are more greyish in facial area & the white spots near the end of their tail would be visible in the 3rd photo.
Whooo! We have a controversy here at Birds in Backyards!
I've never had to ID the two in the wild, so this is coming as an armchair birder:
The bird in the first four clearly has pinkish legs. Wouldn't a Gerygone have greyish legs?
Whoops, double post. Sorry.
I have been looking at heaps of photos and on further investigation I would have to agree with Lachlan & Steve, it does look more like a LB Scrubwren.
However I am happy to be corrected.
I agree with LB Scrubwren.
Large-billed Scrubwren for sure. That big, dark bill is a giveaway, as is the brown face without grey/white of gerygones. Lorne
oops, on looking at pics I agree, that wil be the last that I do at work and not looking at my own pics
No worries Peter.
Thanks everyone