Pair feasting on a miner chick

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craig.jewell's picture
Pair feasting on a miner chick

Today, alerted by numerous Noisy Miners I encountered this pair of birds feasting on what I assume is a miner chick. I have not seen this species around these parts (Sydney's northern beaches) before.

Would appreciate an ID.



Woko's picture

Channel-billed Cuckoo, Craig. A migrant to Sydney at this time of year.

Although it's quite on the cards that the chick is of the Noisy Miner persuasion I'd be careful about assuming that the Cuckoos are eating a Noisy Miner chick just because Noisy Miners are kicking up a fuss. Alarm calls go up from all sorts of species when danger is about. Also, Noisy Miners are an aggressive species so I would expect them to vigorously defend their young.

craig.jewell's picture

Thanks for the info. You're a right, there was quite a fuss going on in the gum tree, with Miners and a short while later, Magpies, Crows and the occasional Kookaburra entering the fray. There was pandemonium, but the Cuckoos held their ground.

lorne.johnson@d...'s picture

Great photographs, Craig. Great sighting too. I was unaware CBCs ate baby birds. CBCs are one of my favourite Aussie birds - they're anarchic, colourful, unique and raucous. LJ 

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