Grey Fantail.

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Reflex's picture
Grey Fantail.

About 18 months ago I didn't even know what a Grey Fantail looked like and now I see them just about every time I go out. I can't believe how common they are and that I hadn't noticed them before.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Same here as far as the eighteen months go but don't see them that often

Great shots of a lovely little bird.


Nice work Reflex, great photos.  

Reasonably common in bush areas around Sydney - but not a bird I would see on every trip.  

Would love to get a pic with the fantail extended, only one i got so far was just the tail spread out  with rest of bird hidden behind a branch.

pacman's picture

yes, Reflex, but wait until you see a Rufous Fantail - they are very nice


Reflex's picture

I'm not complaining Peter, in fact far from it .laugh

Samford Valley Qld.

pacman's picture

that's me not being clear again, I heard you as enjoying the sight of a Grey Fantail and I was suggestign that if you liked them than a Rufous Fantail sighting will be even better


windshear's picture

Beautiful little birds, very hyperactive and aerobatic. :) 

Rufous Fantails aren't quite as gregarious with humans I find as Grey ones are, but they're definitely rather fancy. smiley

Woko's picture

Gregarious is the word. One alighted briefly on the bird bath as I was filling it this morning.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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