Kookaburra Haircuts

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Kookaburra Haircuts

Kookaburra haircuts seen this week

windshear's picture

Heheh, they do seem to have a bigger range of hair styles than most birds. smiley

Took me a while to figure out the first one. I love the last one though, just adorable. smiley

Reflex's picture

I agree with Windshear about the first one. At first glance I thought there was a problem downloading the remainder of the image!

Samford Valley Qld.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Lol.  We have the flat top buzz cut, move into the 80's for some big hair times, then a bit of spiking or punk through to smooth and understated to perhaps cover the 90's and noughty's, hehe.  These guys are like our Emu's a little I think, with their outstanding individualism when it comes to their do's.   I just never seem to be happy with any of my Kooka shots, light & distance never seem to be favourable, or something I can't quite put my finger on  blush   I'd be proud to have any of these in my library though for sure, sensational Kooka shots WD - I'm especially drawn to the second guy who looks like he's been into the sculpting mousse! Heh heh.

West Coast Tasmania

Reflex's picture

AnnieJ wrote:

  I just never seem to be happy with any of my Kooka shots, light & distance never seem to be favourable, or something I can't quite put my finger on  blush   

 That's what I meant about the Welcome Swallows and the Rainbow Lorikeets the other day.

Samford Valley Qld.


Thanks for the kind comments windshear, reflex and annieJ. I have had a bit of luck with co-operative Kookaburras recently.

AnnieJ wrote:

... the flat top buzz cut, move into the 80's for some big hair times, then a bit of spiking or punk through to smooth and understated to perhaps cover the 90's and noughty's...

Thanks AnnieJ for giving them names ... I had flat top and punk look, but couldnt think of name for the others. I thought #2 looked like Beaker out of the muppets, but thats going back a lot of years now.

Wollemi's picture

You have some very trendy and some very fashion-challenged Kookaburras!


Wollemi wrote:

You have some very trendy and some very fashion-challenged Kookaburras!

Lol - thanks Wollemi

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Reflex wrote:
AnnieJ wrote:

  I just never seem to be happy with any of my Kooka shots, light & distance never seem to be favourable, or something I can't quite put my finger on  blush   

 That's what I meant about the Welcome Swallows and the Rainbow Lorikeets the other day.

Exactly why I was curious & asked in my post Reflex, I wondered if I was the Lone Ranger, or if that was kind of what you meant.  Nice, and not, to know I am not alone there laugh

West Coast Tasmania

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great shots WD, love the second.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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