They arrive every year from New Guinea and if my wife had her way would be met with a 12-bore shotgun. Just kidding but she does like her sleep and these birds start early with their non-stop monotonous repertoire of an endlessly repeated whistle.
I only found out the other day that they lay their eggs in other birds nests.
Anyway here's our male Common Koel.Talk about a "somnolent posture!".
Nicely Captured.
Did you get these early morning or late afternoon?
Was it at your place or another spot?
I so want to photograph a Koel.
They are number 4 on my top 5 birds I want to photograph.
Along with: 5. Eastern Whipbird, 3. Pheasant Coucal, 2. Wompo Fruit Dove & 1. Powerful Owl.
If anyone knows of any nests or locations of 1. or 2. in the brisbane area I'd be keen to check them out.
All early morning at my place. They can be a bit shy and tend to take off if they think you can see them. The females are completely different altogether in appearance.
Considering where we both live a Powerful Owl shouldn't be on the list but I'm with you on that one. I've never seen one at all.
Photographed my first Wompo Fruit-Dove last Sunday at Mount Glorious.
Samford Valley Qld.
Lucky you.
A Koel, A Wompoo fruit dove, & a pheasant!
Thats nearly my list.
I did have a cat bird as number 2. but I managed to get a photo of that when I went to the Bunyas.
It wasn't a great photo but a photo just the same.
Nice shots Reflex, striking bird.
Had a listen to the call on the P&K digital bird guide and I can see why your wife
would be tempted to reach for a shotty
A fabulous series of photos!
Love this bird, hear them annually but they are hard to get a good look at, so pleased to see your photos.
Thanks for Sharing!
Happy Birding!
They can test the most patient of people on a Sunday morning (just imagined my wife with a AK-47
Samford Valley Qld.
They are very shy! i'm trying to get some decent shots here at home, and yeah, i can relate to your wife! My neighbors have got Carpentaria palms all heavy with bright red seeds at the mo', and they are right outside my bedroom!
Nice shots!
Great photos Reflex.
Good work getting all the detail and colour variations in that "black" plummage. Your #3 is a classic shot of the koel calling. I think in #1 and #4 he looks rather perplexed and disheartened that no female koel has been charmed by his serenade.
Nice shots. I'm waiting to see if they'll come to my area this year. I love their call but it does get a bit repetetive after a while.