I was wondering if anyone has observed at what age Pied currawongs change from the brownish colour with a straightish unhooked beak to the much darker blackish adult plumage with the strong curved beak with the distinct hook on the end? Particularly I am wondering if last year's young (so 1 year + old ) now look like adults? I have had a quick "google" and looked in a few reference books but can't see anything difinitive. Any thoughts appreciated.
Anne, Just a thought but it might be worth mentioning your location in case you are identifying the Grey Currawong as an immature Pied Currawong. It would explain the lack of distinctive hook you mentioned because as far as I can see the immature Pied has the hook.
Samford Valley Qld.
Hi Reflex,
Blue Mountains (west of Sydney). Definitely greys here too but the ones I was observing were definitley Pieds (just on song alone). Sometimes up to 40 gather in one of my eucs - usually around March - but numbers really fluctuate. I have attached a pic of one that randomly decided one of my hanging plants looked like a good place to hang out in last summer. The really distinct nasty beak hook on the adults appears to be absent. The juveniles that were hanging around were chased away in July- August by a pair that nest in my neighbours yard (they were very tolerant of others up until breeding time). The pair next door have finished breeding and others have reappeared but they all look like adults.
Zosterops, Where are you?
Samford Valley Qld.