Went to Long Neck Lagoon in the Scheyville national park which is in the Windsor Hawkesbury area to the west of sydney. Only a few of the usual suspects in the actual lagoon, but on land around the lagoon there was a fantastic variety of birds and wonderful bird song from with bell miners and whistlers to the fore. Lots of birds so i have put lots of photos on this thread.
Found this Red Browed Finch enjoying his morning shower from a sprinkler in a garden on the way to the park.
Lots of Brown Thornbills.
Yellow Robins - always pose well
Spotted Pardalotte
Huge colony of bell miners
This one had me puzzled at first sight, head on, peering at me around a branch. Looked like a Kookaburra but then again it didnt look quite right for a Kookaburra. Turned out to be a juvenile Kookaburra - without the full grown beak and tail feathers.
Saw two Grey Shrike-Thrushes and a baby one in the grass. Only second time i have seen GST to take a photo. The GSTs surprised me by frequently making a raven like raspy squawk.
Lots of rufous whistlers around - didnt manage a good photo of a male one, but got one of the female RW which i think are rather pretty birds too.
Also saw golden whistlers. There were two male GWs going around quite happily together singing away. I was happy enough to get one in focus in the dreaded casuarinas - the other one is blurred in the background.
Got some shots at the bird baths at the Education Centre.
Yellow Faced HE
Eastern Spinebill
Striated Thornbill (first for me) - posed perfect for identification showing the streaked forehead.
Not long after leaving the park i saw a Noisy Friarbird - only second sighting for me, and best photo opp.
Magic selection of birds there WD and great photos.
Especially like the Finch having a bath and the baby Kooka and the Spinebill
and the Whistler...... Well, you get the picture
That's a huge collection from a days outing and would have been a few firsts for me.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks for the photos - & location details, Whistling Duck.
Thanks everyone for the comments.
Woko you might be interested to know that Scheyville is one of the last remaining remnants of the original dry forest habitat of grey box and ironbark on the cumberland plain as most was cleared for farming.
That is interesting, Whistling Duck. Such unbalanced development, especially since Ironbark forest is one of our most endangered plant communities.
Really enjoyed the variety of birds WD, didn't want it to end.
Some great photos in there as well.
I love the baby GST as well as the birds having a bath or shower.
I think for a plain looking bird the GST has the most beautiful variety of songs, I love listening to them.
Because of the "Silly Season" I haven taken photos (of birds) for over a week & am having withdrawals.
Thanks for sharing these great pics, makes me want to go out and get some more. Cmon holidays!!
Thanks devster.
Good luck birding when the holidays come around.