Capricorn Silvereye. Just a thought but does this count as a different species to the mainland bird?
no, it is a sub-species
edited 11/12/14
I should have said so named as this sub-species (chlorocephalus) is found on the Capricorn and Bunker Group of Islands off the CQ coast - Gladstone-Bundaberg
This is the ssp that started my 'I'll also list ssp obsession' - I went to Lady Musgrave Island, saw the silvereye, didn't take a pic because it was just another silvereye and that evening read my field guide and ........................
WD You must have been up close to the Welcome Swallow? Some great detail in that shot.
Thanks Reflex .... only a couple of metres away, was in a spot where birds are quite used to people and he had been busy preening himself so I could sneak closer!
Wonga Pigeon. (I always go to put a "D'' in pigeon for some reason).
Samford Valley Qld.
The Peekaboo Cockatoo look.... Red Tailed Black Cocky.
A good ol' Eastern Whipbird
Shorty......Canon gear
Brown Falcon
Looks like a juvi N Kestrel to me?
Shorty......Canon gear
Female Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Shorty......Canon gear
Male Leaden Flycatcher
no, it is a sub-species
edited 11/12/14
I should have said so named as this sub-species (chlorocephalus) is found on the Capricorn and Bunker Group of Islands off the CQ coast - Gladstone-Bundaberg
This is the ssp that started my 'I'll also list ssp obsession' - I went to Lady Musgrave Island, saw the silvereye, didn't take a pic because it was just another silvereye and that evening read my field guide and ........................
Thanks Peter. Love your Norfolk Island photos....
Samford Valley Qld.
Common Bronzewing.
Samford Valley Qld.
Female Eastern Koel
one of my very few portraits
Welcome Swallow
Fantastic Friarbird RawShorty! - your photos capture the unique moments
WD You must have been up close to the Welcome Swallow? Some great detail in that shot.
Grey Butcher-bird.
Samford Valley Qld.
That Friarbird looks like a dinosaur!
Laughing Kookaburra enjoying the afternoon sun
Crested Hawk Eagle
Blue-Faced Honeyeater.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks Reflex .... only a couple of metres away, was in a spot where birds are quite used to people and he had been busy preening himself so I could sneak closer!
That's a beauty from you of the BF honey-eater.
WF Heron .... This always looks to me like a guy leaning on a wall with his hands in his pockets!
He does look like he has his hands in his pockets WD
Here's a White-necked Heron standing guard
Nice shot Annas - fancy cloak he is wearing!
Herons are good for dramatic poses .... another WF heron
Shorty......Canon gear
Another WF heron
Goodness, what a popular subject. Wonderful range of photos.
Red capped parrot. Local to us here in the SW of WA.
What an amazing series of contributions. Keep them coming!!
Shorty, your shot of the Sparrowhawk typifies to me the Stare or Glare
difference often quoted in separating Brown Goshawk from Collared Sparrowhawk.
Lewin's Honeyeater.
Samford Valley Qld.
Wow, amazing collection of shots everyone!
Female Red-capped Plover.
West Coast Tasmania
What a fabulous topic!
Young Crimson Rosella.
Not my best pic but still fairly happy with it.
Classic example of not having a high enough aperature on a full frame shot.
Bad Hair Kookaburra
Pied Cormorant
"What on earth are you doing?"
Samford Valley Qld.
Little pied cormorant .... I find them pretty amenable to having their photo taken
"You lookin' at me?"...
Kookaburra version of The Stare.
White-Capped Noddy.
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks, WD.
Shorty......Canon gear
Yes it does show the stare well, i just wished he would have given me the stare but he just kept looking at my friend next to me.
Shorty......Canon gear
Male Spotted Pardalote
Australian White Ibis.
Samford Valley Qld.
Same again! Snap!
Really enjoying all the great photos from everyone! Keep them coming!
That's a very menancing stare from your Kookaburra Chris!
A Splendid Fairy-wren striking a pose.
A good old Galah.
West Coast Tasmania
local osprey pair -now used to me climbing along the cliffs - happy to sit for a portrait. Very majestic birds.
A magpie