Hi wongbella. To provide the Noisy Miner with the most appropriate food for its health you can do no worse than try to replicate the original natural environment in &/or near the location where you live. Australia's birds have evolved over millions of years to live in association with various communities of native plants so ensuring that the plant community which existed near you before the landscape was altered by humans will provide the birds, including the Noisy Miner, with the highest quality habitat.
Keep in mind that Noisy Miners have been advantaged by the clearing of understorey plants so if you're able to recreate the original understorey you might find that the Noisy Miner will seek other places to live but you may well attract a variety of other bird species which once existed but don't currently exist in your locality. If your neighbours &/or local council can be persuaded to restore the original plant community then this increase in habitat will increase the likelihood of a range of bird species returning to your neighbourhood.
I don't know where you live? But like Canonguy, I suggest you contact a local wildlife carer , the local Vet will be able to tell you where they are, and let them look after the bird.
I live in Victoria, and in my State you need a license to care for native birds.
Ring WIRES or your state wildlife rescue group
Hi wongbella. To provide the Noisy Miner with the most appropriate food for its health you can do no worse than try to replicate the original natural environment in &/or near the location where you live. Australia's birds have evolved over millions of years to live in association with various communities of native plants so ensuring that the plant community which existed near you before the landscape was altered by humans will provide the birds, including the Noisy Miner, with the highest quality habitat.
Keep in mind that Noisy Miners have been advantaged by the clearing of understorey plants so if you're able to recreate the original understorey you might find that the Noisy Miner will seek other places to live but you may well attract a variety of other bird species which once existed but don't currently exist in your locality. If your neighbours &/or local council can be persuaded to restore the original plant community then this increase in habitat will increase the likelihood of a range of bird species returning to your neighbourhood.
Good luck!
I don't know where you live? But like Canonguy, I suggest you contact a local wildlife carer , the local Vet will be able to tell you where they are, and let them look after the bird.
I live in Victoria, and in my State you need a license to care for native birds.
Hi all,
Thanks for all the replies. But it is too late to send it to WIRES now. It is no longer a wild bird, but a human pet. :(
Brought it to back yard and it will not go near other birds but hide under human. Sigh, sorry bird.
Sounds as if you are rather proud of this. How very sad this is in my opinion.
I think it might have been your intention from the start.
The bird has to be taught how to live in the wild by a wildlife carer. It is illegal to keep native birds as a pet without having a licence.
Do you think WIRES will still take it?
They should, can go to a carer, if it has a chance of rehab and release, that would be for the best. You can only ask them!
Dale Huonville, Tasmania