I was sent this photograph about a month ago from my son in-law. It was taken in Toowoomba Qld.
He took three photographs with his I-phone before it flew off. He said it was about the size of a Crow and asked if there is such a thing as an Albino Crow?
I can't work out what it is and have tried enlarging the photo but the quality isn't good enough. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what it could be?
could be something like a brush cuckoo, that's just a guess.
I'm not sure, but many birds can be leucistic. There seem to be a few leucistic Crows around. (If you'd live in America, there even is a White Crow ) So iy could be a leucistic Crow.
Mmm. Dunno. It has the jizz of a raven or crow. Hard to tell which species though. Peculiar colour. Reminds me of light brown/tan of Whistling Kite. Lorne
Definately a Melanistic/Leucestic Corvid.
Thanks everyone. I didn't know there were such things.
Samford Valley Qld.
100 years ago Sir Edward Halstrom from Taronga Park Zoo was looking for an albino crow, he seemed to like albinos as he was breeding albino kangaroos at the time. I was just a kid at the time and by coincidence there was an albino magpie kicking around my place so I thought I might catch this and collect the reward by telling him it was a crow. But it was to no avail, I couldn't catch it anyway.
I find the word Albino offensive!
I think the politically correct term is "Pigment Challenged."
May I ask you how old you are, Ray?
Central Victoria
Haha Al, I have been reading his post a few times, thinking Ray can't possibly be 100?
But then again, my mother lived to almost 100 years, just 4 weeks short. And she was very smart and remembered more than I do now.
M-L, when Ray wrote "a hundred years ago" he probably just means a very, very long time ago
Central Victoria
Maybe not quite 100 years ago but a along time. My mother told me a million times not to exaggerate.
Looks like a crow and if so would be a cinnamon mutation.
I read an article about a week ago. Apparently white crows are born frequently but the mother eats them. A few do survive to adulthood but they are shunned by other crows and never find a mate but live in isolation. They are not albinos but are white crows. I tried to find the article again but couldn't.