Hi Team,
I need a bit of help with some ID's.
The first three photos are of the same birds that I've seen quite a few of today and yesterday. I'm thinking it's not a jacky winter with the longer tail and pink legs, and the whitish line over the eye vs a dark line through the eye, but what it is I don't know.
The last photo, I reckon it's a Horsfield's Bushlark - do people agree?
The first bird is a Rufous Songlark (rufous on the rump in photo 2)
Agree the last one is a Bushlark (short thick sparrow-like bill)
Awesome, thanks SteveM.
The songlarks must be ready to breed around Blackwater with the recent rain, as they are out and about everywhere at the moment.
Hi Andrew. Great to get your post.
Could I recommend that when seeking an identity you always mention where you observed the bird. That helps with identification by ruling out species whose ranges don't cover the location. (Not foolproof as sometimes birds do appear outside their normal ranges).