Spent a couple of hours in some serious heat watching a couple of very commited parents going back and forth to feed the young one/ones.
Couldn't tell how many chicks but the parents were returning about every twenty minutes with a wide selection of lizards, crickets etc.
While they were away hunting the chick or chicks called constantly for more food.
Great shots, Rick.
They might be busy for a few weeks but not like Humans that can be dependent on there parents for 40 or 50 years
Shorty......Canon gear
a very good sequence Rick; I can almost see the sweat running off the parents' brows
Brilliant! How close were you to the nest?
The only reason I ask is because we had a couple of nests near home and if I go within 12 metres of the nest the parents will not come to the nest even when they have a beak full of grubs.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks Reflex,
About that distance but hard up against a large gum. The parents would fly to a near branch (about 10m away) and as long as there was no movement they were happy to come in.
Keep in mind that it meant along time not moving and focusing on the nest
Would have been easier with tripod and remote triggers, but wouldn't have been able to get the range of shots, and didn't have the time to set it up anyway.
Good sounds pretty much like my scenario. I have bought a set of remote triggers but at this stage unless I find something else I might have to wait until next year unless they have a second brood.
Samford Valley Qld.
How important is the understorey to provide habitat for all those lizards & bugs to be fed to the young Sacred Kingfishers!!