Happy Monday all
I LOVED the photos last week, I hope you all enjoyed it too. I take so many of those 'almost' shots that I can never actually nail a good one
Anyway, this week's theme is 'Angry Birds' so lets see those grumpy, cranky and all round sour birds who look like they are just fed up!
I have always thought that this Weebill looked puffed-up and angry, though what a puffed-up and angry Weebill scares I am not sure.
If someone was firing a flash straight at you first thing on a Sunday morning every time you tried to have a bit of breakfast, it would be enough to warrant being cranky!
Samford Valley Qld.
This guy would have to be the crankiest looking bird out there.
Shorty......Canon gear
A protective parent. (Sorry about the quality it wasn't downloaded properly).
When I saw the title of this weeks Challenge, my first thought was Scrubwren too! You are so right Shorty, even when they're not cranky, they still look it - it's all in the 'brows I think
Have spent a lot of time over the last 2-3 months keeping an eye on half a dozen pairs of nesting Red-capped Plovers on various beaches, more than anything to try to politely and diplomatically inform people of the importance of keeping their dog on-leash at this time of year - some interactions have been unpleasantly eye-opening sadly, but many more have been quite positive.
Anyway, this particular little lady had been very relaxed and tolerant to my visits, as long as I kept a respectful distance and "hid" behind some low plants. This day I was surprised to see her leave her nest and start her wounded bird distraction technique, I looked over and saw a large dog off leash, and well above the tide-line, heading straight towards her clutch (in defence of the beautiful dog, it really wasn't interested in birds or doing anything aggressive, just in the wrong place). Realising the dog was not following her away from her nest, she very bravely flew back to defend it. You can see the anger (and stress), in her face. All ended well that time thankfully.
West Coast Tasmania
This Willie Wagtail got a bit cranky at me and was telling me off.
Cranky is one of my favourite Australian words along with ,"sticky-beak" , "Pat malone", " Ridgy-didge" and a whole stack more.
Coucal Pheasants always look Cranky to me as though they have been disturbed unfairly? Wrong ISO altogether for this photograph but it was what the camera was set at when I saw the bird.
Samford Valley Qld.
That's a great cranky shot me old china plate. Should be titled " Cranky and very ruffled " ☺
Have you ever seen a bird so angry that they threw a hammer? No? Neither had I until a cockatoo landed on our patio table and quickly dispatched of our hammer (I can only assume in a fit of rage).
Dave, Sydney.
The picture of Owl of Kedumba reminded me of the Boobooks I once saw. Now that I think about it, they tend to look grumpy all the time when you see them during the day. Can you blame them? They should be sleeping!
Dave, Sydney.
Angry Plover
This Bush-Stone Curlew got a bit cranky with me when I got too close to the nest.
A very cranky Australian Magpie....
Samford Valley Qld.
Great photos so far.
Enjoyed the cockatoo with the hammer. That's quite a weight to shift, so it obviously REALLY didn't like it on the table.
Here's a galah getting cheesed off with a bandicoot. Bandicoots have a satisfyingly extreme reaction when startled. I guess it helps to move really fast in case you are being threatened by a genuine predator. So you run first, and check the threat level later.
The galah seems to being saying: "Get off my patch...... NOW!"
Some fantastic shots so far everyone, loving it.
This little Spotted Pardalote got quite literally all pear-shaped over something!
West Coast Tasmania
seems to run in the species
"All pear-shaped.." Love it. :-)
West Coast Tasmania
Pretty sure this is Eastern Spinebill for cranky?
Samford Valley Qld.
Upset Stilt.
A fiery young Boobook.
Another cranky magpie. Looks like he is sulking
Back seat driver looks less than happy about something
Clearly not at all happy!
Samford Valley Qld.
Silver Gulls are pretty good at getting their cranky on.
West Coast Tasmania