Powerful Owl (juvenile) catches and eats a pair of shorts.

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choosypix's picture
Powerful Owl (juvenile) catches and eats a pair of shorts.

Last night the young owls seemed to have grabbed someone's shorts from their line and began fighting and eating the shorts.

At one stage, one of the owls hung upside down for 5 minutes swinging backwards and forwards. This was interesting to us because we once saw the mother grab a flying fox using the same method.

They ate the shorts for more than one hour then abandoned them 15 metres up a tree.

Something to think about next time you see an item of clothing hanging in a tree.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Wow, that's amazing behaviour you've caught there.  Shorts used as a training tool perhaps, pretend flying fox or possum?  Just shows the power of the bird, especially those talons I imagine, absolutely shredded the shorts!  Lol, perhaps the owner of the shorts was called Bart?  What next hey, just need a singlet and a pair of thongs laugh

West Coast Tasmania

Reflex's picture

That is really interesting.surprise I wonder what is next...Supreme of possum en croute with lightly ripped tea-towel and cipollotti style black shorts with fresh pigeon on the side?

Samford Valley Qld.

Woko's picture

That could be an accurate hypothesis, Annie. 

choosypix's picture

 Hi AnnieJ, Reflex and Woko.

 I like the "Bart" comment and the menu ideas.


 All that practice they have been happening must have paid off.

Today they have a REAL flying fox.

This is the first large creaure they have caught and held during the day so they are nearly ready

to face  the world on their own. The mother rarely spends the day with them and always flies off at dusk

without acknowledging them.



Reflex's picture

I think you are spot on Antonia. All that practise has paid off and they are growing and developing into young adults, they don't need their parents anymore.

 He/she looks very content after a good feed.

Samford Valley Qld.

Devster's picture

Great series of photos. 

So very jealous of these shots they are amazing.

Thanks so much for sharing their journey with us.

I wonder if they have anything to do with shoes on the power lines?

Nah I think thats just humans being stupid.



timmo's picture

Dammit! They were my favourite running shorts! smiley


Devster's picture

lol Tim 

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Congratulations on the excellent pictures.

Great short story writing too...  :-)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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