Common Koel

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merty1260's picture
Common Koel

Hi we recently had this bird in our trees. We think it is a Common Koel?? If it is this bird, how common is it as we have not seen it before or since. We live in the Moreton Shire near Brisbane.


Cotton's picture

According to my field guide, this should be an immature Common Koel.

Don't know much about its range around Brisbane though.


Woko's picture

Hi merty. Any ideas on why this koel should turn up after you've never seen one before where you live? Is there a new plant to which it's attracted or have locals been planting habitat suitable for koels?

pacman's picture

Hi Merty

I work in NSW but my home since '98 has been at Scarborough and therefore in the Moreton LGA

The IOC classification is now Pacific Koel, it used to be Eastern Koel and earlier Common Koel, you might also know it as the Stormbird or Rainbird.

I suggest that you look for recordings of their calls and you might recall hearing it throughout summer

The male is black with a red eye (pic 1), the female similar colour to your juvenile but with black crown, nape and face (pic 2) and the juvenile (pic 3)


Jhely's picture

we have one that comes every year just after Christmas with its mate and shortly after a baby as well.They love eth red berries on the palm trees

Jhely's picture

we have one that comes every year just after Christmas with its mate and shortly after a baby as well.They love eth red berries on the palm trees

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