Some Birds

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Devster's picture
Some Birds

Since things seem to be a bit slow I thought I would post some pics up.

The Osprey & the Tawny Frogmouth I got on the Christmas holidays up at Hervey Bay.

The Eastern Spinebill I got up at the Bunya Mountains last year.

The Black-Fronted Dotterel and the Cattle Egret were at Oxley Common a few weeks ago.

The Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet I took at Imbul Deer farm in Sept hols last year.

Got the Juvi Forest Kingfisher yesterday at work sitting on the bosses boat.

Hope you enjoy them. Any comments welcome.



Reflex's picture

Great shots all of them. Particularly like the Osprey and the Eastern Spinebill. 

You've captured the others well. Most phographs I see of Tawny Frogmouths are asleep in the fork of a tree which doesn't make for interesting photographs (guilty). There is no shortage of eye contact here.

The Cattle Egret on the back of a cow doing what they do is a classic, the Black-Fronted Dotterel and it's reflection make the photograph more interesting and the Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet hanging upside down is quite often how they are seen. Thanks for sharing.

Samford Valley Qld.

timrp's picture

Awesome shots Devster! I love them all, but I especially like the Osprey.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Very impressive photo's there, it's hard to pick between them. I think the Forest Kingfisher wins for me, it's so clear.

The Spinebill shot is quite amusing, almost like a cartoon. Good stuff!

Rick N
Rick N's picture

What a magic set Devster.

I have to say your photography is coming along in leaps and bounds.

Love them all but especially the Spinebill & Kingfisher.

Keep them comingyes

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Hmmm, at work on the bosses boat?  I like the sound of that, sounds like a job with fab perks Devster laugh,   Yep, I second what Rick said, leaps and bounds - you have a fantastic eye for composition too.  If I had to pick two favs, the Egret and Kingfisher for me, like Reflex said, the Egret on the back of a cow is classic, and the pose of the Kingfisher is just gorgeous.  Love them all!

West Coast Tasmania

Devster's picture

Thanks heaps guys.

Means alot when you say I am coming along in leaps and bounds as I admire your photos alot.

I am starting to try to get more shots that reflect the personality of the birds or have some intersting elements to it, like a pose, background, reflection etc.

You tend to be your worst critic when it comes to your own photos and while getting a lifer sitting on a branch will suffice, a shot thats more Zazzy (Sheldon Cooper - Big Bang) adds soo much more to the photo wouldn't you agree. 

Again thanks for your kind words and look forward to seeing more of your photos soon.

Especially from you Reflex from your weekend venture up at Noosa.




All brilliant photos - great work!

Devster's picture

Thanks heaps WD.

Again means alot coming from you cause I admire your work also.

Have a great weekend all and HAPPY BIRDING!



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