Fantastic captions and photos last week everyone, I had a good laugh!
This week, with all the rain around on the east coast we would have the theme of: wet, wet, wet. So show photos in the rain or birds that love the water.
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This Duck enjoyed a bit of a splash about.
Samford Valley Qld.
A duck that decided to come out of the water to see what all the fuss was about.
"Go on - knock on the door and see if they'll lend us an umbrella...."
We lived in that shed for two years, back in the late 1980s, while I built the house that I took the photo from. Ah, The Good Old Days....
The rain didn't appear to make any difference to this Crimson Honeyeater.
Samford Valley Qld.
Lovely shot. Really effective wet look.
This Silvereye appears nonplussed by the wet weather.
One very wet Kookaburra
These guys certainly love the water. Had no idea what it was when it shot past the first time.
Love the Kooka Wanda, he looks very miserable indeed.
Thats a classic of the Kookaburra Wanda
Looks like rain... but just the swan splashing about.
Wanda, another "like" from me too - that's a great shot of the wet kookaburra. Could it even be possible to look wetter or more cheesed off !
Whistling Duck, that's an enviably good swan shot too. It's probably not too hard to freeze a little bit of water splash but to get that much, and in such an effective way, is amazing.
Great shot Wanda. No mind reader but I think he is pleading for a blow dryer :)
I took this a couple of weeks ago as it was just about to land in the water (undercarrige is still up).They may look a bit akward on the land but quite an agile, elegant bird when flying.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thaks Chris333 I was pleased with that one
Currawong likes water too
Musk Duck having a nice splash.
It might seem a bit odd, but until a couple of weeks ago I'd never taken any pictures of ducks and water. Just the regular birds around our house. So I'm probably the only person here who could still be surprised to see how incredibly accurate the old phrase "water off a ducks" back" can be. I watched this duck immerse itself several times and emerge with feathers that still looked completely dry as the water simply rolled off again.
Nice to find out that, at my advanced age, I can still be entranced by simple natural things. Ain't nature wunnerful.... :-)
Wet duck or just 'wet-look' dry duck?
This Adelie is a bit wet after a chilly dip at sea!
Dave, Sydney.
She was taking a bath and didn't mind the rain either.
Too cold, too wet, two birds ...