Scarlet Robin

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bibby's picture
Scarlet Robin

The Scarlet Robins are back in my backyard. Here is a few photos of the male I managed to get even though my 3 year old son was playing outside. None of the female as she is a lot more timid and tends to keep her distance when the kids are outside.

Reflex's picture

Lucky you. Whereabouts do you live Bibby?

Samford Valley Qld.


Lovely visitors to have - thanks for sharing photos.

vas's picture

Awesome Birds to have in your own backyard.
For a moment i thought i was looking in my own backyard. My son has that swing set and the fence is the same but these robins don't visit my yard, wish they did

Devster's picture

Wow how blessed are you to have the beautiful birds in your yard!

bibby's picture

I'm in North Central Victoria. We live next to vacant padocks and bushland that has a creek so we get some really good birdlife visiting. My favourites would be Crimson and Eastern Rosellas, Fairy Wrens and Wattlebirds. My husband's least favourite is the flock of galahs that ate all the lawn and ignored him when he tried to shoo them away. The vacant land has Yellow Robins, Scared Kingfishers and a pair of Whistling Kites (or at least I think its them, I'm really not good with BOP) but they don't visit the yard. 

North Central Victoria

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