Endangered quail ​may be threatened by controversial Queensland land clearing

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zosterops's picture
Endangered quail ​may be threatened by controversial Queensland land clearing
Devster's picture

So sad, I hope they manage to put a halt to the clearing.

Woko's picture

I hope Birds in Backyarders are flooding both the Queensland & the federal government with demands that the habitat vandalism be halted immediately & that any vandalised habitat be restored to the greatest extent possible. 

The Newman government was clearly complicit in extreme environmental hooliganism. Let's hope no government of this ilk is ever elected again in Australia.


yeesss the same government approved land clearing over the road from me, where a terrific example of the Braod Leaved Spotted Gum stood.  Rare in SEQ, but down it came for a drive way. Cost to much to move or go around apparently, but they have had 2 dozen large earth moving machines there for the past 12 months.  250K to move this tree is peanuts.   Even wose as it only seeds every two years, when it was seeding access was denied by the land owner to a local seed collecting group.  And even sader that it didnt trigger any concern in the pre developement environmental checks.

At least I guess up North was detected and halted until further investigation.  Didnt help the tree over the road, but hopefully will for this little qual. 

Guess when the sky turns black we will eventually put a price on the environment.  I cant help but think the cancer for the earth is in deep already though.   My applogies for being negative.   

Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

zosterops's picture

jason wrote:

At least I guess up North was detected and halted until further investigation.  Didnt help the tree over the road, but hopefully will for this little qual. 

let's not get ahead of ourselves...


Woko's picture

I'm not sure you're being negative, jason. A slowly increasing number of people are becoming aware of how environmental destruction is threatening the survival of our species. That could well be described as realism, something we need not shy away from.

I note that there's a raging debate about house prices in Australia. By far the most popular solution to rising house prices that I've heard of or read about is to release more land for house building. Guess whose houses will be vandalised as a result! Too bad the same rules that applied to the guy who bulldozed a woman's house the other day don't also apply to those who bulldoze the homes of our native wildlife.


Woko, I guess when every ancient civilisation before us has died out, there is no reason to think ours won't. I bet they all thought they were smart and knew best as well before they went "poof!" I sometimes try to ponder on how Australia would be different place if the Empire and early settlers got along better with Aboriginies.  Took some of their ideas and views and rolled them into the white mans way. Perhaps there would be more balance and appreciation for the world that we live in and on, but it's only a dream that fades with the light.    

I work in high end housing, so don't get to see paddocks of dirt before the new houses arrive, along with the Mcgardens.  Instead I get frustrated with things like $100K of rain forrest timber geting painted white in the form of windows and doors.  Sometimes to only stay for a decade before the next reno comes along.          

Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

timrob's picture
Woko's picture

Good news indeed, timrob. Let's hope it's a permanent stay of execution for the natural habitat of Olive Vale.

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