Terns - North Coast NSW

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Cotton's picture
Terns - North Coast NSW

Hey guys,

Have had trouble identifying these two separate terns, help would be appreciated. They were amongst many Common and Crested Terns. 

Thanks heaps!


SteveM's picture

I think the top photo is a Common Tern, & the bird at the back of the bottom photo is a Common Tern, not so sure of the bird in the front in the bottom photo, but I think Common Tern also (1st yr bird), any more photos of that one?.

When were these photos taken, April or early May? Not many Common Terns around that area in Winter.

Cotton's picture

Thanks Steve, they were taken in early April at Flat Rock. I was assuming young Common Tern but others were saying they were White-fronted Terns, which convinced me to put them up on here.


SteveM's picture

The bird at the back in the bottom photo has a black cap(breeding plumage) reaching down to the bill, so can't be a White-fronted. The bird in the top photo looks to have a similar black cap just starting show thru.
I'm still not sure on the front bird in the bottom photo, it appears to have a steep forehead like a White-fronted, but the photo angle might be deceiving & early April is bit early for White-fronted in Ballina. More photos of this bird would be good.

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