Pied Oyster Catcher - Splayed Bill

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Pied Oyster Catcher - Splayed Bill

First photos of a Pied OysterCatcher  (Botany Bay NSW) - not sure if the splayed bill ends are common?

Also three Bar Tailed Godwits in a line

And a Masked Lapwing taking a dip

vas's picture

Nice work on all of them.
look at those spurs on the lapwing. Hehe think of those if ur lucky enough to get attacked by one wink
The pied oyster catcher's bill will be just like using shopsticks for it wink Not very common id'e say but sure it happens to some of them.

HelloBirdy's picture

Lovely captures. Thanks for posting

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

Reflex's picture

Interesting choice of photographs WD and not a single Grey Goshawk in sight! wink

That bill on the Oyster Catcher doesn't look good at all but it doesn't seem to be causing the bird any problems. The Godwits look like they are on a mission and the photograph of the Lapwing really shows off those black-tipped yellow bony spurs.They really are a strange cranky bird.

Samford Valley Qld.

Woko's picture

That scissors bill makes me wonder what the Pied Oystercatcher has been eating with its molluscs.


Thanks everyone for the comments.

The Pied OC was having a successful time plucking small crabs out of the sand,and taking them to a puddle to wash the grit off them - so it might be a useful adaptation.

Reflex wrote:

... not a single Grey Goshawk in sight! wink

None at the beach smiley - but I did see my third GG in 6 days not far from the beach. 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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