Olive Whistler?

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RobbieB's picture
Olive Whistler?

Hi everyone,

I only got a brief look at this guy near Eskrine Falls in the Otways over the weekend. Is it an Olive Whistler? Plumage looks the same, but the head didn't really look Olive to me. 



RobbieB's picture

I've also got no idea what this one is, is it another kind of whistler?

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

1st photo - has the build/shape of a Whistler and the colour matches Olive perfectly.

2nd photo is a Grey Shrike-thrush (note they are much larger than Whistlers and have a longer more robust bill).

pacman's picture

#1 - Olive Whistler, but I have had only 2 sightings, their head is dark grey with an olive-brown back, my pic is from Tas

#2 - Grey Shrikethrush


zosterops's picture

They are related birds; both are members of the Pachycephalidae, Greek for 'thick-head'. 

- zosterops. 

RobbieB's picture

Awesome, thanks for your replies.
Nice photo Peter. I have read they are shy and secretive.

- Rob

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