Found an adult BS Kite and two juveniles at Nurragingy reserve near Blacktown NSW in the weekend. Thought at time the juveniles were just pestering the parent when it caught some food - looking at the pics later I could see the parent lets the juveniles take mice in mid air.
The adult has caught a mouse (tail just visible) and the lucky first juvenile gets to take the mouse, while the other juvenile just misses out.
Same again later,
... young one missing out seems to think its worth a closer look just in case mom/dad has got another mouse for it as well.
Great series of photographs WD. I read recently that the breeding season for this species is typically July through to December so a good time to start (hopefully) witnessing/ photographing similar scenes. You have frozen the action well what shutter speed did you use?
Thanks for posting the photographs.
Samford Valley Qld.
Wonderful set WD!! Great to see raptor action.
Well done. Something I've seen, but not been able to capture successfully. May have to visit next week while I am off work.
Where abouts in the reserve were you, if you don't mind me asking?
Many thanks
What a great series of shots into the lives of this wonderful species.
Looks like the weather wasn't on your side either, judging by that cloud cover.
Cool, good work capturing the moment
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks all for the comments.
Thanks Reflex, I was at 1/2000ss - thinking about it now probably should have used faster as the ISO was only around 200.
Thanks Canonguy - they were near the big pond in the middle of the section between Power Street and Richmond Road. Usually see adult BS Kite perched on the power lines and poles behind that pond, or on the trees further back. This was first time i had seen the juveniles.
Thanks mate. May check it out on my holidays during the next two weeks.
Incidentally, I think your images may have been pretty underexposed looking at the light conditions and the very fast shutter speed and low ISO you had used. Don't be afraid of shooting higher ISOs; as long as your exposure technique is good, noise will not be a (big) issue at all.