Late afternoon at the Wetlands

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Late afternoon at the Wetlands

Spur of the moment afterwork trip to the Barker Wetlands found some nice birdlife and very full wetlands after recent rains.

Last years juvenile swans have all their colour and adults seem to be setting up nesting sites already. Spotted a lovely male Musk Duck, so hope he stays around for breeding as well as the usual Grey Teal.

Activity seems to be building so looking forward to good birding times over the next few months and then to top it off the Shorebirds arrivesmiley Cant Wait!!!

Psephotus's picture

Great shots Rick, love the musk Duck smiley

Vic, Canberra

Canonguy's picture

Nice pics Rick. 

timmo's picture

That's really interesting - I've never seen a musk duck before (didn't even know about them). That odd skin flap is rather different.


Reflex's picture

Interesting shots Rick. How on earth do you photograph a Swallow in flight? I think it would be easier to lick your own elbow.

Love the Pelicans on the water. Did you use flash for that one? The front / far left bird just shows a bit of reflection in the eye.

Samford Valley Qld.


Nice collection of shots rick...i like the pelicans in a row. Very impressed with the swallow in flight as well. 

The musk duck is great. One of the field guides - i think Pizzey (don't have them to hand at the moment) - starts its description of the musk duck with  the simple sentence "A vey strange duck"! They certainly are unique creatures.  

rawshorty's picture

Great shots, Rick. The Musk is an ugly Duck but i do love to photograph them.

And i agree, c'mon Spring smiley

Shorty......Canon gear


vas's picture

Nice shots Rick, thanks for sharing.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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