Happy Monday all - apologies for being a little later in the day today to get things happening!
This week we are going to celebrate new life. The White-bellied Sea Eagles at Sydney Olympic Park have welcomed two new chicks this week (check out EagleCAM to see them in all their gorgeousness) and I welcomed a gorgeous new niece (who shares my name as her middle name!). So lets see some photos of all those gorgeous or not so gorgeous baby birds out there.
How convenient. I just happened to see this family of Black Swans at the wetlands on Saturday.
Swan family. by robert, on Flickr
Must be the week for posting photographs of Black Swans....
Samford Valley Qld.
Yer. Looks like it Reflex.. Nice shot on your swans. Mine didn't want to hang around once I approached them.
Well why not one more
How about a Pardalote chick being fed.
Samford Valley Qld.
Wow, love that Pardalote shot. It is a joy seeing everybody's pictures.Sue
Some Willie chicks. How 3 of them fit in that tiny nest I'll never know.
Like it or not parents pass on traits or distinguishing characteristics such as eye and hair colour to their children through their genes.
Samford Valley Qld.
Just had to share these little cuties I photographed at work yesterday. There are 16! I think it's actually a couple of families all hanging out together. I managed to save one of the duckings from a PVC overflow pipe near the dam which it fell in to. I will be speaking with the owner today and asking him to put a grate on the drain so it doesn't happen again. The ducking was all good once he got back to its family.
Some big birds with young
A couple of Little-Pied Cormorant chicks.
Samford Valley Qld.
Rufous Whisler Chicks