Night Bird Call

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lsiedle's picture
Night Bird Call

Hi from Cairns, where we've lived about 10 years.  I'm interested in wildlife generally & usually can identify species by asking locals if it is not immediately obvious, but I'm stumped by a call at night, which is not a curlew or owl.

The call is a persistent 'toc, toc, toc, toc, toc ..........toc, toc' then repeated in irregular sequences.

I asked locals, thinking at first it might be a frog, although the most recent call moved too far too fast for that to be the case.  One lady said her father called it a 'hammer bird', but was unable to identify it further.

Any ideas?

timrp's picture

Is it the Large-Tailed Nightjar?

lsiedle's picture

That's it!  Many thanks.  I checked out the owlet-nightjar, but it didn't sound like what I heard, whereas this is spot on.  Interesting that this bird is mainly tagged in Singapore & India.

Reflex's picture

Impressive bit of detective work from you there Tim.

I couldn't help having a google so that I could listen to what a Large-Tailed Nightjar sounds like.

Samford Valley Qld.

timrp's picture

Yes it's very impressive going on google and looking up "Hammer Bird" isn't it? Haha!

lsiedle's picture

My main mistake was being too precise - I googled 'Hammer bird Cairns' & got no hits!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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