I saw these little guys nesting in our backyard last year, in the corner where the treated pine retaining wall logs meet eachother. I thought I had scared them away, but alas they appear to be back! Waratah, Newcaslte NSW.
I'm sorry the picture is terrible, but they're quick and they're shy, this was the best I could do. You can't see it, but they do have a white stripe above their eyes. So, Spotted Pardalote is my guess, I'd appreciate your input :-)
Many thanks :-)
Yes, it's definitely a Spotted Pardalote.
I'll second that :) So nice to have them in your garden!
Oh wow, thanks so much guys! Ilistened to their call on the birds in backyards website last night, do this morning when I heard them sing I knew it was them. I don't call them Spotted Pardalotes though, I call them Little Miracle Birds :-) ;-)
Also, this is a male. Note the yellow throat.