Happy Monday everyone - gorgeous photos once again last week.
This week I thought we would look at the raptors again, once of my favourite groups of birds, but one that I am appalling at ID'ing generally (except for the common ones). Hopefully a lot of you are checking out EagleCAM? The chicks are now 4 weeks old and looking fantastic!
Bird of the Week Challenge: 7th September - raptor rumble
Mon, 07/09/2015 - 10:29
Bird of the Week Challenge: 7th September - raptor rumble
This is a series I took of a Black Shouldered Kite a few months ago.
Grey Goshawk that seems to have taken up residence here in Canberra.
Shorty......Canon gear
Pacific Bazza on a tree in our yard a couple of months back. I can't work out what he is eating but think maybe one of our plump Green Tree Frogs. Sunshine Coast, QLD.
Our local Goshawk.
When he's around, everything goes very quiet.
He caught an Eastern Spinebill right in front of me last week. Nature is nature, and can look cruel at times, but he is indeed a beautiful bird.
Wonderful photos!
Christmas Goshawk
Australasian Harrier, or Kahu. In the hand
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Spotted Harrier from July last year.
Samford Valley Qld.
Red-tailed Hawk
Taken on Tuesday at Kingscliff NSW. A cranky little Magpie Lark chased the Osprey off its own perch???
Samford Valley Qld.
Raptors Rumbling. This Osprey was not having a bar of this White-Bellied Sea Eagle fishing on His turf! Not matter how much bigger he is.
Australian Hobby
great pic
Grey Goshawk.
Samford Valley Qld.
Nankeen Kestrel
Osprey on the north breakwall in Port Macquarie.
Male Kestrel taken yesterday.
Shorty......Canon gear
Australian Hobby feeding yesterday. Two bird were picking Dragonflies from above the reedbeds.
Thought I would get another in before it closes
Whistling Kite