Powerful Owl...Some flight photos

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choosypix's picture
Powerful Owl...Some flight photos

I guess everyone is starting to weary of static P_owl photos (?)

Here are a few "in flight" ones.



vas's picture

great work as usual. Good to see non statics too

HelloBirdy's picture

Wow. That must have been hard, especially in the dark!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

Reflex's picture

Fantastic shots! 

Samford Valley Qld.

choosypix's picture

Thank you vas, HelloBirdy and Reflex.

My husband takes most of the night shots as I have kids and a sick mum to care for at present.

He is silly enough to stand in the dark trying to stay locked-on on an owl for 20 minutes or so, until it flies out from its daytime roost.

Sometimes they launch upwards, sometimes downwards and many times they just drop off the back of the branch.

Even he describes it as plain luck when they fly through the pre-focused spot just as he presses the button.

Our Powerful Owl journey is just about at the end.

We have seen everything we hoped (and more).

We have photographed the owls in the same area for two and a half years including nearly daily for 18 months.

Tens of thousands of stills and hundreds of short videos. We have seen them eating about 12 different items of live prey  plus a fish, towels, shorts and cooler bags.

We have seen a male push out another male, a territory change hands, a one-year-old male mate with a two-year-old female.

Our conclusion is the urban owls are much younger than is previously thought...perhaps two or three years old.

The only thing we regret is not seeing a feral cat as prey.

When we started there were few good daytime photos but there are now some fantastic photographers including Akos and dmp who post on here.

Many thanks to all the people who have encouraged us and we will sign off for now (unless we see something exceptional)



dmp's picture

Antonia, I'll continue the sillyness :)

I have received many comments regarding hanging around in the bush at night during winter, I think mozzies during the warmer months will make me long for winter to return.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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