Happy Monday everybody. Hope you all had a lovely weekend and thanks for sharing some lovely springtime photos last week.
This week, just a couple of hundred metres from the Discovery Centre, there is a movie being filmed (a WW2 Mel Gibson directed movie). Here I can be at work all day and not see a single soul, today is very very different!
So I am inspired by that - lets see photos of some birds with 'movie-star good looks' - those super gorgeous and charasmatic birds that you snapped a paparazzi style photo of :)
This guy ain't bad looking.
Dressed up and posing on the red carpet. (ok green carpet)
Don't bother me!
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
You want "Star"? I am the Star, no other female bird has eyes as blue as mine.
Araminta, were do you go to get all your Satin Bowerbird shots? Or are you lucky enough to get then in your backyard?
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
I have them in my garden Tegan.
This guy was such a big star that he gave me a wave!
Dave, Sydney.
This regents bowerbird was a bit of a poser when we saw him at O'Reillys
Started bird watching because my 5 year old loves birds. I now enjoy bird watching very much
This bird is rather handsome or pretty. King parrot I think..
Hi Rob
Great picture! You have a great camera with a sharp focus. Your bird is a Rainbow Lorikeet - and yes, definitely a super-colourful bird!
King Parrots are also lovely. Below is one I happened to take (on my iphone) about 3 weeks ago in the back yard. Male (red) and female (green).
Dave, Sydney.
Make sure you get my good side.
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
The Common Starling has definite star quality with its iridescent outfit.
Should you ever need an angel, just call my name..., I'm a star.
heres a Blue winged Kookaburra from my backyard doing the Im a proud
Aussie pose
davidennew, I think thats a laughing Kookaburra as the Blue Winged don't have the brown band on the head and their blue is more consistant not mottled. Great photo though. Definately posing like a star.
Male Satin Bowerbird walking the catwalk
A rather cool and colourful character.
"I'm too cool for this page."
Definite "Rock Star" look here.
One of the "Stars" from Nudgee Beach.
Samford Valley Qld.
Brahminy Kite shot with Nikon f801 film back in 2007 at Mudjimba Beach
Rock Star Hairdos
davidennew - that's a terrific shot, but I think your bird is an Osprey. Wonderful sharpness with those outstretched wings.
Although if you have a picture of a Brahminy Kite, they definitely are a rock-star bird too.
Dave, Sydney.