Not sure what this bird is, excuse the bad pictures

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vas's picture
Not sure what this bird is, excuse the bad pictures

Click on the photo to get the full uncropped version to comapre to rosella size. Just noticed it in this bad photo i was about to toss out. Did catch it in the corner of my eye but i was after the eastern rosella's.

I though restless flycatcher but the belly seems white and underwings and tail are pretty light and there is a decent sized eyebrow marking and also u will notice redish colour in the beak. This was from Springwood in the Blue Mountains.

I can pin it to any bird for certain yet :(

pacman's picture

best guess White-naped Honeyeater


vas's picture

Thats the closest i am at the moment. It's just the marking seems rather large above the eyes

pacman's picture

and I have never seen 1 quite so excited;

white body is good for WnHe, olive back looks right, black head looks right, beak is right shape, red eye-skin is visible


vas's picture

I am passing it as a WNHE now because it can't be anything else :) 

Ide say the red above the eye looks big because of blur

Devster's picture

I agree with White Naped Honeyeater also

akasha's picture

Yep, I'd say White-naped Honeyeater.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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