Eastern Yellow Robins and angry cockatoo's.

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vas's picture
Eastern Yellow Robins and angry cockatoo's.

Came across a few Sulphur crested Cockatoo's and Eastern yellow Robins on a walk in the Blue Mountains just over a week ago. I managed some good photo's of many other birds including variegated fairy wrens, large billed Scrubwrens, Brown Thornbills, Eastern Spinebills, various honeyeaters etc but to keep the thread less photo heavy i'm only posting the angry cockatoo's and Robins.
The cockatoo's came flying from far away to investigate me and screeched loudly at me and didn't like my presence. I thought they were going to attack me when they started flying 2 metres infront of my face with their loud screeches, my ear drums didn't like it much lol. Then when i thought id'e seen it all from the cockatoo's they actually started to toss bark and branches at me from the trees above, never experienced anything like this from cockatoo's before and certainly this was an angry mob.
Anyway i moved on and came across a heap of Eastern yellow Robins. There where about 4 adults and a juvenile plus 2 really young Robins without their yellow feathers.
It was a pretty exciting arvo for a bushwalk.


The very young robin above can also be viewed in the "baby photo's" thread in a different pose.


Woko's picture

Hey vas. Do you think those Sulphur -crested Cockatoos might have been protecting nest sites?

timrp's picture

Awesome photos, I really like all the Eastern Yellow Robin ones.

Interesting cockatoo behaviour, they have never dropped anything at me before!

vas's picture

Might of been and was my thinking but there were no young or suitable hollows in the trees within 40-50 metres of me.

Woko wrote:

Hey vas. Do you think those Sulphur -crested Cockatoos might have been protecting nest sites?


It's never happened to me before, it was interesting indeed.

timrp wrote:

Awesome photos, I really like all the Eastern Yellow Robin ones.

Interesting cockatoo behaviour, they have never dropped anything at me before!

HelloBirdy's picture

Great pics

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

TheBirdLover's picture

Amazing photos...Keep up the great shots!



Well you did manage some great photos of those angry cockatoos!

Maybe they were on edge from intrusion of a predator previously, and you got some of the backlash.  

vas's picture

Thanks for the comments HelloBirdy, TBL and WD :)

Hehe i needed some ear plugs, that's for sure.

Devster's picture

Great photos Vas, especially like the last one of the younf Eastern Yellow Robin

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