Road workers dam at Billabong Roadhouse, Meadow, WA

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Road workers dam at Billabong Roadhouse, Meadow, WA

Not sure if this is the right place for this info but need it mentioned.

We stayed a night near the Billabong Roadhouse at Meadow between Coral Bay and Kalbarri in WA with no expectation of seeing any birds. However the nearby dam built for the road works looked a possibilty as there were numerous budgerigars in the area. Half a dozen Grey Teal and a pair of Australasian Grebes were also on the dam. The motel owner confimed that birds did drink there.

Rising early next morning, we were treated to the sight of 1000+ budgerigars perfoming aerial manouvers as they came down to drink. This went on for some hours even with a Pergrine Falcon hunting them (successfully). Cockatiels soon came down and their numbers grew to 30 or more. Numerous other birds arrived for a drink such as Red-capped Robin, Zebra finches, Spiny-cheeked honeyeater, Common Bronzewings, Crested Pigeons and finally a pair of Bourke's Parrots.

Eventually we dragged ourselves away for breakfast but the spectacle of so many budgies and the noise was magic. There were too many to try and count. I have posted a few pictures to demonstrate but I especially like the little guy flying sideways!

If anybody is passing that way it is worth a stop. The area of bush directly across from the rodhouse is also very good with robins flying around the car.




Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

Woko's picture



You know Sue looking at these pics again, it has to one of the joys of travelling out West.  I recall in a recent desert trip flocks of Croella feding on the side of the raod.  We' would slow right down but eventually spook them as we ideled past,  hundreds of birds would  take flight and fly off in front of the car.  The kids loved it, and a real spectical with their whit against the blue sky and red earth.  

And another tip out to Agate Creek central western Qld.  Buggies like you have found, swarmed like bees in a swerling shadow untill the disappeared back into the grass. And masses of Red Tailed Black Cockatoos, all screeching in the trees as they watch who's turn it was to drink from the billabong.  You don't get that in the cities, or anywhere close.  Just majic really.

Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

sue818's picture

So  true, Jason and yes they are opportunists, Woko. However they delivered so much pleasure that the day was a special one. Nothing like having all these pretty little birds flying over your head and around you or that moving mass changing direction like those images of the starlings overseas.

This is such a great place to travel around with little surprises around the next corner.. yesterday was like that with a pair of Peregrine Falcons and their 2 chicks at Ellendale Pool near Geraldton.

Off to Perth tomorrow and probably a new surprise.


Reflex's picture

How I envy you Sue!

Samford Valley Qld.

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