Weird place for a nest

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soakes's picture
Weird place for a nest

It seems a grey shrike thrush has decided that this is a good place to build a nest.

I have 2 concerns:

1. Being made of metal it might get very hot in Summer!

2. Being made to contain water, it might get very full when it rains!  Will the baby birds get drownded?


timrp's picture

You could put a roof to stop rain coming in.

soakes's picture

In fact, there is a roof above it, but with heavy rain on an angle it could fill up.  However, it might be a good idea to extend that roof a little.  If the nest is still there next time I go there (it's at my other place) I will investigate that possibility!

Olinda, Victoria, Australia


Could just drill a little hole in the bottom, if vacant.  Nests in trees don't have roofs, exposed to sun and the rain, some hollow logs are open to eliments also.  I reckon those little fellas are tougher than we realise. Still shows how creative, or deserate nature is to work with what it's got. Good use of an old pot I reckon. 

Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

soakes's picture

Yep, good idea to drill a hole.  Ironically there is already a big crack, but it's on the high side!

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

soakes's picture

Well, it's official.  The kettle-nest has eggs in it and a mother (I assume?) sitting on it all day and night.  She was a bit disturbed with me coming and going all the time, but she seems to have become used to it.

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

HelloBirdy's picture

haha wow. Hope it works out

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

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