Looks like a Corella, but they are Silver

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Looks like a Corella, but they are Silver

Seen over the last month in Collingwood, victoria.

A pair of birds that look just like long billed Corella's, but they are Silver, or a pale grey. Corella's are white aren't they?

Any ideas what exactly they are, or if Corella's come in Silver? They are beautiful.

Thank you.

HelloBirdy's picture

They are probably just dirty. I have seen little corellas looking quite pink! 
These guys look pretty though

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera


Dear HelloBirdy, Thank you for taking the time to look, and reply to my first post on this great site!!

I don't think they are dirty, the silver-grey colour is so even on both of them, and I've seen them everyday in the park for a month now.

Cockatoo's never look grey.

Yes, even if they are dirty, they are delightfull to see in the inner-city park.


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Hi Alice, quite possibly they could even be a Galah/Corella hybrid - whether as a natural occurence or breeder escapees, perhaps we'll never know.  Searching google though, there are some very similar looking hybrids to your two which are from those two species.  Agreed, they are very pretty for sure.

West Coast Tasmania


Thank you, Annie. I'll have a look at the hybrids.


Woko's picture

Would they be affected by toxins?

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