Happy Monday all!
Hope you all enjoyed Bird Week and got out there and saw some lovely birds, hopefully also submitted at Aussie Backyard Bird Count or two...
This week lets share photos of birds in or around water - particularly focussing on the waterbirds but open to any bird around water.
Well done Holly, you couldn't have picked a better theme for me after this week-end..
Wedge-Tailed Shearwater often called ''Mutton bird".
Samford Valley Qld.
Little Penguin (formerly known as Fairy Penguin) - going for a unique look with that eyebrow do (smile, where have the emoticons gone?)
West Coast Tasmania
Nice to see you back posting Annie. Lovely shot.
And yes, I miss the emoticons too :-(
Wood Sandpiper having a dip.
Bullers Albatross, Great Southern Ocean.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Pectoral Sandpiper, Christmas Island, Sept '13
Crested Tern having a stretch at Kilcunda Beach.
Flesh-footed shearwaters feed on fish, squid and krill and can dive up to 50m in depth to pursue prey and unfortunately have been reported being caught in longline fisheries.
Samford Valley Qld.
Wandering Albatross - Sydney Pelagic Oct '13
Australasian Grebe with chicks.
A Spoony playing pick up sticks.
Shorty......Canon gear
Blue-billed Duck, male, Bundamba Lagoon, Oct '15
I love the ripples in the water. A Great Egret, just minding his own business :)
The Real Loch Ness Monster :)
Australasian Gannet
The Fairy Prion is a small seabird with the standard prion plumage of black upperparts and white underneath with an "M" wing marking.
Samford Valley Qld.
A Snipe having a swim.
Shorty......Canon gear
Diamond Firetail, male, Rankins Springs NSW - Nov '13
Baillon's Crake.
Samford Valley Qld.
Baillon's Crake, Sandy Camp Rd Wetlands, Brisbane Qld, Dec '12 - a drier year and therefore water everywhere, no need for repetitive water
Marsh Sandpiper from last month at Mamukala Wetlands in Kakadu.
A Little Pied Cormorant enjoying a prawn cocktail.
Samford Valley Qld.
Purple purple Swamp Hen
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Black-necked Stork, Buckley's Hole, Bribie Island, Qld, Nov '13
A bit rough out.
I love that photo Rick N! How did you get the shot? Were you on a boat or a pier?
I'd love to know. Thanks
Australian Crake and Black-tailed Nativehen, Griffith NSW Apr '13
Thanks TBL, wading at the Mouth of the Murray.
Sooty Oystercatcher
A family of ducks (I dont know what sort) being very wary of me as I took this image.
The day I stop taking photographs of Silver Gulls when they present like this is the time to sell my camera and lens.
Samford Valley Qld.
Great Cormorant, Condoblin NSW Nov '13