Need bird ID

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tracviet2000's picture
Need bird ID

I have taken picture of this bird feeding on some white flowers in my backyard (Brisbane, QLD). Please let me know if you know its name from seeing its pictures attached.

Thanks in advance,


Reflex's picture

It looks like a Noisy Friarbird but without seeing the top of the head it could be a Little Friarbird. 

Samford Valley Qld.

Elsie's picture

I'll second the noisy friar bird, the red eyes are an indicator :)  the little friar birds tend to have an almost blue cheek, from my observations anyway :P I hope this helps!

tracviet2000's picture

Thank you Reflex and Elsie. It looks like Noisy Friarbird with red eye. I am very glad that I took more than one picture, any  bits of details help in identification process.

Woko's picture

And thanks for including the location, Trac. That can be essential in bird identification. Not all native birds live all over Australia. In fact, few do.

tracviet2000's picture

I shall include the location from now on. Thanks Woko

pacman's picture

I believe that pic #1 shows sufficient black bald head skin to call as Noisy Friarbird, you can see the clean ear opening and the bald crown above


HelloBirdy's picture

The extention of the black over the back of the head down to the throat is enough to differentiate it from the other 3 friarbird species

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

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