bird identification

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janettespencer's picture
bird identification

I have three birds which have appeared in my garden which I have been unable to identify,I hope someone can help me.

1. A large pale light grey (pidgeon like bird) with a white head and neck (seen in camphor laurel tree and on deck and railing,not timid at all)seen numerous times

2. A  long,lean glossy totally dark,dark grey or black (hummingbird or honey eater like bird) with a thin yellow band around lower neck,long curved beak and fan tail (seen hovering in mid air around Agapanthus flower head)seen once.

3. A medium sized bird with a parrot beak,grey head with brown stripes on wings with a tuft on its head(seen in palm tree)

 These birds were seen in the Northern Rivers N.S.W.Thankyou for any help in identifying these birds.

teganb02's picture

It really is almost impossible to identify a bird with out photos Jenet! Is it possible to post some? I will have a guess though, 

1: no idea, possibly a Chanel Billed Cuckoo? Did it have a massive pale bill?

2: also no clue

3: I think Pacific Baza

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

Elsie's picture

Unfortunately without pictures it can be rather difficult to get a correct id for the birds, however perhaps as we suggest names you could look up the images to go with them and see if we're close?

1: Not really sure... I could suggest chanel billed cuckoo, or a friar bird of some sort.

2: Perhaps a Eastern spinbill, however i'm not sure if these are around your area. Perhaps a brown honeyeater?

3: I'm really not too sure... 

I'm sorry I can't be of more help!

pacman's picture

Hello JanetteSpencer

do you have a field guide and therefore able to look up the birds that are suggested?

shade and weather can make colours appear different

#1 - White-headed Pigeon - a bit different from your description

#2 - that yellow band is interesting, I need to do more research

3# - Pacific Baza as stated or Topknot Pigeon

any type of photo can help to ID


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