real name for storm hawk

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PMQ Suze
PMQ Suze's picture
real name for storm hawk

Family in Sydney have recording of bird call, which I'll hear weekend 21/11, but which one member refers to as a storm hawk as apparently in country NSW during his childhood (70s & 80's) it was always called that.Only other info is that it is always at the top of whichever tree in which it is perched.

So does anyone know which bird may be referred to as a storm hawk?


A possibility is the Channel Billed Cuckoo which is also known as the Storm Bird  and as the Fig Hawk. Has a noisy call too.

Check out the fact sheet.

PMQ Suze
PMQ Suze's picture

Thanks. Channel billed cuckoo was my first thought too, but lack of info from family made me wonder about the name

pacman's picture

I grew up in Central Qld (Bundaberg and Rockhampton) and the Eastern or Common Koel was referred to as Stormbird.


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