Dandabah Village at Bunya Mountains.

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Reflex's picture
Dandabah Village at Bunya Mountains.

I decided to take a leaf out of Rick Nash's book and head away for the week-end. Dandabah Village, Bunya Mountains is roughly 200km north-west of Brisbane and an interesting drive.


This place really is the perfect place for a weekend getaway and a great place to watch or photograph birds.Two new ticks for the week-end Yellow Thornbill and Blue bonnet Parrot.

These were all taken just walking around the camp site.

It's probably between the Satin Bowerbird, Pied Cormorant and the Pied Currawong as to who has the most attractive eyes of any bird.

 Crimson Rosella. A wild bird but so used to humans almost unafraid of you now.

 Very common around the camp-site are these Satin Bower birds.Immature or female?

First tick for the week-end a Yellow Thornbill.

Red-Browed Finch.

Lewin's Honeyeater.

 An Eastern Yellow Robin.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Beautiful set of shots there John.

Am itching to get up your way for these fabulous birds.

Lewins is my fave.

TheBirdLover's picture

Amazing Photos! You capture them really well and the eyes stand out beautifully on Satin Bowerbird and the Pied Currawong.


Elsie's picture

Lovely photos! It looks like it was a lovely weekend for you :) That satin bowerbirds eye is absolutely stunning!!!

Thanks for sharing!

Devster's picture

Nice photos Reflex. Where's the Blue Bonnett pic?

Reflex's picture

It's a crap photo but here it is.

Samford Valley Qld.

Devster's picture

Don't you hate when those branches get in the road

HelloBirdy's picture

Wow, the eye of the bowerbird is amazing, well captured!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

rawshorty's picture

Great set Reflex, at least you got a pic of the Blue Bonnet, there are heaps at Lake Cargelligo but you can't get within coowee of them.

Shorty......Canon gear




Lots of great photos Reflex.

Really like your currawong photo. The bowerbird is spectacular.

pacman's picture

rawshorty wrote:

at least you got a pic of the Blue Bonnet, there are heaps at Lake Cargelligo but you can't get within coowee of them.

I thought that depended on the guide's prowess!!


Rick N
Rick N's picture

pacman wrote:
rawshorty wrote:

at least you got a pic of the Blue Bonnet, there are heaps at Lake Cargelligo but you can't get within coowee of them.

I thought that depended on the guide's prowess!!


Reflex's picture

Rick N wrote:
pacman wrote:
rawshorty wrote:

at least you got a pic of the Blue Bonnet, there are heaps at Lake Cargelligo but you can't get within coowee of them.

I thought that depended on the guide's prowess!!


 +2 for HeeHeeHee

Samford Valley Qld.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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