Hi everyone
Hope you all had a good week with some lovely bird sightings!
This week is another that is very open to interpretation - predator/prey. So you might post a photo of a bird that is predating on something, or a bird (or something else that might be prey). I will leave it up to you.
You are on the ball early this week.
One from the week-end . A female Satin Bowerbird enjoying a beetle for breakfast.
Samford Valley Qld.
I am! About time i got my act together.
A Sacred Kingfisher enjoying a a mole cricket
Silver Gull /Pacific Black Duckling
Tawny Grass-Bird.
Samford Valley Qld.
Some great shots! I had no idea that Silver Gulls took little ducklings!! That's a bit scary....
Here is a grainy shot of a Kookaburra with a frog.
Dave, Sydney.
It appears the poor frogs are on the receiving end.
Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher with insect - i was in a bird hide to get pics of the parents feeding young in the nest, clearly the parents knew that I was there
Australian Reed-Warbler with a Blowfly.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thought I would go a differnt angle.
Many birds would find this dragonfly as Prey
They certainly do. Different Gull from a couple of weeks later.
That's a great capture of nature doing what nature does Rick.
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty......Canon gear
That's the last time I ever throw Silver Gulls any scraps from my fish-and-chips! Unbelievable!
Dave, Sydney.
Young Rufous Whistler showing how to tackle a decent sized spider.
Dave, Sydney.
Samford Valley Qld.
A juicy grub for this silver eye.
A Pacific Golden Plover enjoying a delicate seafood entree or appetiser.
Samford Valley Qld.
I'm sure a bird would have liked this Bee if the ant hadn't got to it first.
Shorty......Canon gear
This young Mud Crab was busy enjoying the stranded Jellyfish but was very aware of the local Collared or Mangrove Kingfishers.
Samford Valley Qld.
Some great photos everyone.
I think this prey is a pacific black duck.
White-browed Scrubwren with a mothful.
A Rainbow -Bee Eater with its prey (A bee, what a surprise)
Here's some more bee's for your Bee Eater Devster.
Samford Valley Qld.
Offering dinner before their date.
Shorty......Canon gear
is that a juv horsfields?
i've heard accounts of adult/parent cuckoos feeding (their?) young after fledging...
also i doubt that whistling kite killed that duck.
It was taken early October not long after they arrived so would assume not but could be wrong.
Curious as to why the Kite would not take a duck? To large?
Shorty......Canon gear
Just went through my records and there were assorted young birds around at the time so could well be.
Shorty......Canon gear
Pacific Black may have been taken by a fox then Kite picks up the carcass but then again I had never imagined a Silver Gull swallowing a duckling whole.
Made me muse a little on the recent angst in the forum re saving a noisy minor chick.
Maybe I'm a little too old and cynical :-)
Shorty......Canon gear
Saw this Black-Winged Kite on my way home this afternoon. Can't work out what the prey is but it had a tail.
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
You can see part of the Possum in the bottom right hand corner.
Samford Valley Qld.
Rufous Whistler with a moth