Its Monday again! That means it is challenge time.
This week lets see photos of birds out there interacting with someone else - it could be another bird, but there are other things they can interact with as well...
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Kookaburra baby being fed on it's first day out of nest.
Perfect timing Holly,
I was out photographing your favourite bird this morning.
3 juvi's having a snuggle while waiting for food to come.
Shorty......Canon gear
That made me smile shorty thanks!
A crow interacting with a well known food chain. Picture was taken a few weeks ago outside Melbourne at my favourite coffee stop.
Almost looks like a one legged crow but the other leg is gripping the bin lid! Smart birds.
Hear no evil, see no evil and do no evil.....
Samford Valley Qld.
Some kind of "interaction" with the Cape Barren Geese
going on here.
An old and (not-so-good quality) photo of these Magpie siblings who looked like they were kissing each other. It's still a pretty cute photo.
A pretty common interaction beween two very different animal species......
Samford Valley Qld.
Parent teaching the youngster arial combat.
Shorty......Canon gear
Mrs Regent Honeyeater feeding young in the nest; the young is the pink blob in the middle of the pic; there were 2 reasons that I did not get closer - 1) I don't get too close to any nest and 2) I was on a ridge looking over open space to the nest high in a tree
note to Shorty - I have about 369 RH pics that I need to sort so will use different ones from time to time
Sorry in advance, but this interaction works best with two photos..... I have shown this one before, but it is too good not to share again.
Cockatoo doing a bit of DIY around the house...... Or perhaps not so much.......
Dave, Sydney.
Love it, Dave!
Apologies for the highly cropped photo but I was some distance away when this scene unfolded in Darwin recently. Two Whistling Kites appeared to attack the Darter (young female perhaps) which was drying its wings. This continued until the Darter took to the air with both Kites in pursuit. It was only for a few minutes but it seemed much longer in the series of photos. From the open beaks on all birds there would have some screeching going on. The Kites eventually returned to the beach and settled. I did not see anything that could have attracted them like a fish and it is not an interaction that I have witnessed before or since.
Love the pics so far. Impressive that the cocky had the strength to toss that hammer!
Here's a familiar face from the "Gulls..." challenge a couple of weeks ago... I'm not 100% sure if this is the same bird, as there were two pacific gulls forcing themselves among the multitude of cormorants (black faced, little pied and pied) that morning. This is from earlier in the day, when the tide was still high and I had the 300mm lens mounted on the little Nikon V2 body for a bit of extra reach via the crop factor. Unfortunately it was a bit too much, and it was hard to get all of the action in frame. Nevertheless, I was happy to get a good sequence of these two going at it, albeit with clipped wings aplenty. The cormorants are particularly cranky and protective of their space.
(The pacific is in retreat.)
"Get outta my way!"
Some interaction going on here...
Samford Valley Qld.
Greater Sand Plover interacting with Red-capped Plover on Eighty Mile Beach, WA. I think that I have those IDs correct as there were so many different birds along this stretch of beach. Love everybody's pictures. Sue
Galah interaction
Our resident family of Tawny Frogmouths hang about in our Tuckeroos and Paperbarks. There are only two eyes but they are both clearly interacting with my camera and I two meters away.
Whiskered Terns
They were a bit too far away for a good shot.
Shorty......Canon gear
Wagtail & Sheep