Help !! Can't I.D. this bird off websites

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andy6809's picture
Help !! Can't I.D. this bird off websites

Hi all

I've recently moved to a new place in Penrith NSW and whatever tree this bird is in seems to attract a lot of birds I haven't seen before in my other houses. I've identified a few off the website but I can't seem to find a good match for this one on any site I've looked at. I'm not a birdwatcher but this tree is awesome for birdlife!! I think i might be becoming one. 

Any help would be much appreciated

pacman's picture

hello and welcome to the birdwatching community

your bird is a female Common or Eastern Koel


TheBirdLover's picture

I'll second that for female Eastern Koel.

P.S. That tree of yours sounds awesome... I hope to see more bird photos soon! :-D


andy6809's picture

Thank you for your replies. I can now sleep at night :-)

Actually one of the other birds I identified off the website was a Koel : Black feathers that had that greenish sheen in the sunlight and a really deep red eye. Could they be boyfriend / girlfriend or husband / wife, or however bird relationships go ??

HelloBirdy's picture

More like you'll no longer be able to sleep at night :P

Koels have a tendency to call very loudly late into the night and from very early in the morning. And they are certainly not a bird that can be ignored easily if you have one calling nearby

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

andy6809's picture

Haven't heard a peep from them. But then again my bedroom is on the other side to the tree.

Maybe the neighbours aren't enjoying them as much as me

HelloBirdy's picture

That just means it has moved elsewhere for the night. Trust me, you can hear one calling from the other side of your suburb no problems. Their calls carry far and wide, and they aren't quiet or subtle

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

TheBirdLover's picture

andy6809 wrote:

Actually one of the other birds I identified off the website was a Koel : Black feathers that had that greenish sheen in the sunlight and a really deep red eye. Could they be boyfriend / girlfriend or husband / wife, or however bird relationships go ??

The Koel you describe would be the male Koel. He is probably the partner of the female in the picture. ;-)


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