Melbourne Zoo

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teganb02's picture
Melbourne Zoo

I am sure at least one person on this site has been to the Melbourne zoo, Victoria, and anyone who has been there will know that there is a constant bell like high pitched beep! Kinda sound, I really would love to know what makes it, I am sure it is a bird, but I can never seem to find it! And it does not sound like a bellbird, but anyone who knows what it is, please inform me! 

zosterops's picture

tree sparrow?

or could it be one of the exhibit species?

teganb02's picture

I initially thought tree sparrow or ally's, but the sound is much sweeter and not as thin as a tree sparrow

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

GregL's picture

Blackbirds make a high pitched beep sound, I always think the phone is ringing.

zosterops's picture

you could be onto something, greg

or else could it be a related species, the famous melbourne zoo song thrushes?

teganb02's picture

I listened to both blackbird and song thrush calls, neither are similar, I will have to get a recording

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

teganb02's picture

Ok this is kinda embarrassing, it was the bellbird all along!! They are super hard to spot have a listen - thanks for everything guys!

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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