Is this an Eastern Spinebill?
I'm not too sure on this guy, but there aren't too many small birds with a bill like that.
If it is a spinebill it will probably be a juvenile.
Cheers Tim Brisbane
Yep, +2 for juv Eastern Spinebill
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
+3 for juvi Eastern Spinebill
as usual location of the bird should be given
pics 2-4 could be Dusky Myzomela (Honeyeater in some lists)
Thankyou for your help everyone! This picture was taken in north-eastern NSW.
Pacman, it seemed a more rufous colour than the Dusky Myzomela's brown.
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I'm not too sure on this guy, but there aren't too many small birds with a bill like that.
If it is a spinebill it will probably be a juvenile.
Yep, +2 for juv Eastern Spinebill
Tegan - Melbourne Vic.
+3 for juvi Eastern Spinebill
as usual location of the bird should be given
pics 2-4 could be Dusky Myzomela (Honeyeater in some lists)
Thankyou for your help everyone! This picture was taken in north-eastern NSW.
Pacman, it seemed a more rufous colour than the Dusky Myzomela's brown.