hanging nest, not a sunbird

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hanging nest, not a sunbird

Hi, I have a nest in the back yard that I thought was a sunbird nest, but I got a little bit better look at one of the parents, and they have a much shorter bill. Is there a way to identify this bird by the nest? Sory about the quality of the photos, it's the best I could get at max zoom.

Snail's picture

If you could post a photo of the nest, or better yet the bird, as well as your location, someone on here might be able to ID it for you.


Snail's picture

Sorry the photos didnt load on my screen the first time. It does look like a sunbird nest. I am not all too familiar with north QLD birds sorry, but someone else might be able to help.


zosterops's picture



Thanks Zosterops, think you have it. Finally got a bit better look at the male today, the red markings on the male look right, but only seen from a distance, the nest is in a particularly tall paw paw tree.Mistletoebird

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