Little Yellow Bird x 3

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Little Yellow Bird x 3

Need help identifying these three little yellow birds I got on a visit to Scheyville NP in western sydney. Thanks.

Two photos for each bird.

Bird One

Bird Two

Bird Three

HelloBirdy's picture

Tricky! I'd say birds 1 & 3 are Yellow Thornbills. I'm not sure about bird 2. Maybe one of the true wagtails or a boatbill?

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

pacman's picture

bird #1 has white tail tips - is that a Weebill?

bird #2 also has white tail tips but appears to be a larger, younger bird  - is that  a White-throated Gerygone?


HelloBirdy's picture


I initially thought weebill from the first photo too but Weebills do not have the striations around the eye clearly visible in the second pic of the first bird- that is a characteristic of the Yellow Thronbill.

As far as I am aware, there are also no stage/sex of WtGerygones that have a yellow throat

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

Elsie's picture

I agree on the Yellow thornbill for birds #1 and #3. I would be inclined to suggest a Lemon-bellied Flycatcher as your second bird, though i'm certainly not positive :) Your bird doesn't quite match up though, it's throat is fully yellow, where-as the Lemon-bellied Flycatcher has a lighter coloured throat. And your bird also has distinct markings on its tail, and the Lemon-beliied flycatcher, once again, does not. So it's really just a suggestion, and see what the experts say :)

Elsie's picture

Actually, scrap the Lemon-bellied Flycatcher idea :P I just did some reading and it looks like it's in a completely different area!


Thanks for the replies pacman, hellobirdy and elsie.

Bird One - my first impression seeing the photos was a weebill, but it looks too bright yellow all over for a weebill and has the distinct marking below the eye, so I think its more likely to be a yellow thornbill

Bird Two - I think pacman is right, my Pizzey and Knight that have illustration of immature WT gerygone with a yellow throat

Bird Three - I thought maybe it wasnt solidly yellow enough to be a yellow thornbill, but good to have it confirmed as yellow TB

Thanks for the help

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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