Tawny Grassbirds??

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Amson's picture
Tawny Grassbirds??

Came across a large group of these birds on one of the dirt roads in our area. (Sunshine coast, SEQ).

I just need to confirm that they all are Tawny Grassbirds. There were birds of all ages but quite distant so these images are heavily cropped.

zosterops's picture

first and last are grassbirds

middle are cisticolas 

Amson's picture

Thanks so much Zosterops! This is a first for me for the cisticolas. I have also only seen adult grassbirds so am confused as to what a juvenile should look like.

Anyway going back to this location tomorrow morning. There were so many birds - Chestnut breasted Mannikins, Pipits, Grassbirds and now I know Cisticola.

Here is one juvenile with mouth wide open.

pacman's picture


the breeding male has the golden head not the juvenile http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species/Cisticola-exilis


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